Working with Source Code

Use the project sunbird-rc-core, java folder in it contains all the modules of registry as well as claims service

Java Version

JDK version 1.8

Compiling The Registry

Run the script in the root of the repo as follows:

$ sh

Then compile the registry (this will take some time when you are running it for the first time):

$ cd java
$ ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
$ cd ..

This should create a JAR file in the java/registry/target folder.

Configuring Schemas

Create _schemas/ folder in java/registry/src/main/resources/public/

Place all your schema files in the java/registry/src/main/resources/public/_schemas/ folder.

A sample set of schemas for a simple student-teacher registry can be found here. You can learn how to write your own schemas by following this guide.

Install dependencies and Run Application

  1. Change directory to java

  2. Run ./mvnw clean install

  3. Setup the Database and other feature dependent services

  4. Use the required environment variables

    1. These are the minimum required envs to run the application -

      connectionInfo_uri, connectionInfo_username, connectionInfo_password, authentication_enabled

    2. Environment variables starting with connectionInfo_ are for the database. Check the configurations for more detailed environment variables description

    3. Check the registry service in docker-compose.yml file at the project folder for example and references

    4. Rest of the environment variables depends on the features enabled

  5. Run the spring boot application SunbirdRCApplication in package , Use the IDE to configure and run or follow below steps -

    1. cd to registry package

    2. Export the environment variables

    3. Run ../mvnw spring-boot:run

Configuring Feature Services

The feature services can be run anywhere and should be available to where we run. For local development, these can be run using docker-compose.yml file present in the project directory.

Check the configurations to configure environment variables for specific services. below are most of the services used and how they can be enabled and used -

  1. Encryption Service - encryption_enabled is true

  2. Id Gen Service - idgen_enabled is true

  3. All Credentials services -

    1. When signature_enabled is set to true

    2. Make sure to set did_enabled as true

    3. certificate_enabled should be set to true to generate pdfs

    4. signature_provider is set to dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl

    5. check the other envs starting with signature_v2_ and did_ in the configuration are set by default in the docker-compose.yml file

  4. Old Credentialing services -

    1. When signature is enabled and

    2. signature_provider is set to dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl

  5. Keycloak Service -

    1. check environment variables starts with sunbird_sso_ sunbird_keycloak and auth2_resource

  6. ElasticSearch Service -

    1. ElasticSearch version supported is v6

    2. Required when search_providerName is set to dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.ElasticSearchService

    3. Use environment variables starting with elastic_search_ for custom configurations

  7. Claims Service -

    1. When claims_enabled is set to true

  8. File Storage Service-

    1. When filestorage_enabled is set as true

    2. Check config starting with filestorage_ to configure

    3. This uses minio, so it can be a cloud storage like s3 as well or a local minio service

  9. Kafka & Zookeeper Service -

    1. When using asynchronous features

    2. async_enabled for creating entities asynchronously

    3. Or when event_enabled for metrics service

    4. Or when notification_enabled and notification_async_enabled are set to true

  10. Metrics Service -

    1. When event_enabled is set to true, check envs start with event_ to configure

  11. Notification Service -

    1. When notification_enabled is set to true, check envs start with notification_ to configure

  12. Redis Service -

    1. When using manager_type as DistributedDefinitionsManager

    2. Check redis_ envs to configure

Configure And Start Dependent Services

Run the following in terminal to download this Docker Compose file:

$ curl > docker-compose.yml

To download a minimal keycloak configuration, run the following:

$ curl > imports/realm-export.json

Then start Keycloak (kc), Postgres (db), Elastic Search (es) and the Claims Service (cs) by running the following command:

$ docker-compose up kc db es cs

Configuring Keycloak Secret

Before we can start the registry, we need to regenerate and retrieve the client secret for the admin-api client in Keycloak. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Go to http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms.

  • Login using the username admin and password admin.

  • Click Sunbird RC.

  • Click Clients in the panel on the left.

  • Click admin-api.

  • Click the Credentials tab.

  • Under Client Secret, click Regenerate Secret. Copy the secret that you see in the box and paste it in the docker-compose.yml file in place of INSERT_SECRET_HERE on line 42.

Setting Keycloak For Authentication

  1. Let's say we use http://localhost:8080/auth to generate the token

  2. Then use the above url to set as frontend url in keycloak and restart the registry service

  3. Steps to set frontend url

    1. Login to keycloak ui

    2. Select realm sunbird-rc

    3. Select general settings tab

    4. Check for the field frontend url

    5. Set as http://localhost:8080/auth

    6. It should be changed when deploying as per DNS used to generate a token

Running The Registry Using Jar

Once you have completed all the above steps, run the registry using the following command:

$ java -jar java/registry/target/registry.jar


Prisma Migration Issue

It occurs due to prisma migration tables are not set and the database is not empty.

  1. If it is possible to cleanup the database, then cleanup the database and then setup the identity service first.

  2. To fix in the production or where cleanup of the database is not possible, use this link to baseline the database and restart the identity, credential-schema, credential services.

Last updated

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