User Guide

Certificate Issuance Portal enables an Issuer/organization to select and create a sample certificate and issue it to an individual.

The first step for an issuer would be to “Register as an Issuer” on the Issuance portal.


  • Enter Mobile no./Email Id

  • Redirects to registration page if not registered

  • Enter the required details in the registration form

  • Click on "Register" button

Certificate Issuance consists mainly of two major steps.

  1. Template Selection/ Template Generation

  2. Certificate Issuance

Template Selection & Generation

  • Login as an issuer

  • Enter the OTP received on Mobile no./Email Id

  • Click on Verify button

  • Dashboard gets open

  • Click on “Add New Document” button

  • Redirects to the screen where two options are available

    • General Template: Pre-designed certificate templates are available. As of now 3 templates are available

      1. Proof of Skill

      2. Proof of Work

      3. Proof of Disability.

    • My Template: Allows users to upload and save custom form templates

General Template

  • Click on General Template button

  • Templates appear on the screen

  • Select a particular template, preview of the same is shown on the right hand side.

  • Click on “Edit template” button if customization required

  • Multiple options to edit the template are available to customize a certificate that meets specific needs and preferences of the user:

    • Layout editing

    • Adding or removing additional text

    • Adding Images

    • Changing fonts and colors

    • Export the html code of the generated certificate.

    • Advance Editor

  • Click on “Advance editor” button

  • The Advance Editor allows to customize the layout of your form by adding, removing, and rearranging form elements.

  • Drag and drop elements from the left-hand menu onto the canvas.

  • Click on “Save” button to save the changes in the Advance Editor

  • Click on “Save Template” button to save the template

  • Add Name of the Certificate and description(Certificate name should be unique)

  • Click on “save” button

  • Redirects to the Dashboard screen

  • Saved template appears on the Dashboard

My Template

  • Click on “My template” button

  • Click on “Upload template” button (Only SVG and HTML format supported)

  • This will open a file dialog box, select the template file to upload.

  • Preview of the template appears on the screen

  • Click on the “Edit Template” button

  • Multiple options to edit the template are available to customize the uploaded certificate:

    • Layout editing

    • Adding or removing additional text

    • Adding Images

    • Changing fonts and colors

    • Export the html code of the generated certificate.

    • Advance Editor (Mandatory)

  • The Advance Editor allows to customize the layout of your form by adding, removing, and rearranging form elements.

  • Drag and drop elements from the left-hand menu onto the canvas.

  • Add validations if required

  • Click on “Save” button to save the text field component

  • Click on “Save” button to save the changes in the Advance Editor

  • Click on “Save Document” button to save the template

  • Add Name of the Certificate and description(Certificate name should be unique)

  • Click on “save” button

  • Redirects to the Dashboard screen

Certificate Issuance

There are two provisions available to issue the certificates to the individuals:

  • Single Issuance: Single Issuance option allows to generate and issue one certificate at a time

  • Bulk Issuance (WIP) : The Bulk Issuance option allows users to generate and issue multiple certificates at once using a CSV file containing the recipient information. This option is ideal because the issuer needs to issue certificates to a large group of individuals.

Single Issuance

Steps to issue a certificate using the Single Issuance option:

  • Open the Dashboard

  • Click on the “View/Add” button in the document card

  • Click on the “Add” button to add a new record

  • Click on “Single Record” option

  • Fill in the required details

  • Click on the “Save” button

  • Redirects to the “List View” of issued certificates

  • Click on the “view icon” to view the certificate

Bulk Issuance (WIP)

Steps to issue a certificate using the Single Issuance option:

  • Open the Dashboard

  • Click on the “View/Add” button in the document card

  • Click on the “Add” button to add a new record

  • Click on “Bulk Record” option

  • Click on the “Download Sample Template

  • Add the required data in the downloaded sample template( excel/CSV)

  • Click on the “Browse” Button

  • This will open a file dialog box, select the excel/CSV to upload

  • Click on “Upload” button

  • Data gets uploaded and redirects to the list view of the recipients.

  • Click on “View” button to view or download the certificate

Last updated

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