Identity Service APIs
Last updated
Last updated
The Health Check is successful
AlsoKnownAs property is a unique combination aadhaar and username.
An array of services that are used, for example a user registration service.
The method of DID.
DID Generated
AlsoKnownAs property is a unique combination aadhaar and username.
An array of services that are used, for example a user registration service.
The method of DID
The DID ID to resolve
DID resolved
AlsoKnownAs property is a unique combination aadhaar and username.
An array of services that are used, for example a user registration service.
The method of DID
The unique DID id of the issuer.
JSON string of the unsigned VC.
"{ \"@context\": [ \"\", \"\" ], \"id\": \"did:ulp:b4a191af-d86e-453c-9d0e-dd4771067235\", \"type\": [ \"VerifiableCredential\", \"UniversityDegreeCredential\" ], \"issuer\": \"did:rcw:6b9d7b31-bc7f-454a-be30-b6c7447b1cff\", \"expirationDate\": \"2023-02-08T11:56:27.259Z\", \"credentialSubject\": { \"id\": \"did:rcw:6b9d7b31-bc7f-454a-be30-b6c7447b1cff\", \"grade\": \"9.23\", \"programme\": \"B.Tech\", \"certifyingInstitute\": \"IIIT Sonepat\", \"evaluatingInstitute\": \"NIT Kurukshetra\" }, \"options\": { \"created\": \"2020-04-02T18:48:36Z\", \"credentialStatus\": { \"type\": \"RevocationList2020Status\" } } }"
VC Signed
Public Key of issuer
"{\"kty\": \"EC\",\"crv\": \"secp256k1\",\"x\": \"1iTtnvgP141NM-4qC6BgmkeTAjV7u-gZWni71G7cAKo\",\"y\": \"VSGqq6yS0w7riXXRqFxXwKvHgIpQaUNMlFQKh-xgKMI\"}"
Signed VC