User Guide
Last updated
Last updated
Education Registry is a sample (a reference solution) built on Sunbird RC demonstrating registry of the common subjects involved in an educational system, and flows that allow attesting some of the most common claims like that of education history of students and teaching history of teachers.
There are multiples personas involved in the entire ecosystem:
Education Board
Click on "Register Button"
Redirects to the Registration screen
Add required details and click on "Submit button"
Enter your "Username/email" and "Password"
Click on "Sign-In"
Redirects to the "Institute/School Homepage"
Click on "Affiliation Details" Button
Add Affiliation Details like Affiliation Number, Affiliation Board, Grant Year, Expiry Year, Medium etc.
Click on "Send for attestation"
Click om "Submit Button"
Click on "Edit Button"
Add the required details
Click on "Submit" button
Click on "Register Button" for teacher
Redirects to the Registration screen
Enter the required details on Registration Screen
Click on "Submit Button"
Enter your "Username/email" and "Password"
Click on "Sign-In"
Redirects to the "Student-Home Page"
Click on "Edit Button"
Add the required details
Click on "Submit" button
Click on "Education Details" Button
Add the required details such as Current Enrollment Class, Board of Education, Medium of Education etc.
Click on "Submit Details"
Details will be sent for attestation
Click on "Register Button" for teacher
Redirects to the Registration screen
Enter the required details on Registration Screen
Click on "Submit Button"
Enter your "Username/email" and "Password"
Click on "Sign-In"
Redirects to the "Teacher- Home Page"
Click on "Edit Button"
Add the required details
Click on "Submit" button
Click on " Professional Experience" Button
Add the required professional details such as school name, enrolment type, start date, end date, teacher type etc.
Click on "Submit Button"
Details will be sent for attestation
Click on "Education" Button
Add the required educational details such as qualification, program of study etc.
Click on "Submit" Button
Click on “Issuer login” button
Redirects to the login screen
Login with “issuer login” credentials
Redirects to the Issuer dashboard
Issuer can view all the claims raised by Schools, teachers and students
Click on the "Attest" Button to attest a claim
Redirects to Attestation details screen
Click on "Approve/Reject" button to attest the claim