
1. Master Data Store: Use the registry as a master data store of actors (people, entities or things)

  • Vocabulary creation and modelling

  • Employ flexible schema to define entity attributes and validations using JSON, JSON-LD

  • Attach rules for data validation, lifecycle operations and relationships

2. Data operations: Issue data into, as well as read data from Registry

  • Secure API driven CRUD operations

  • Data operations via secure, open APIs for data publishing and access, data discovery and search

  • Key-value pair driven search, attribute search

3. Data protection: Encryption and data security

  • Data encryption and masking

  • Support for custom encryption services - open end points to replace the bundled in encryption services with services of the adopters choice

  • Audit trails and logging

4. Single source of truth: Employing the registry as a single source of truth for reliable data

  • Digital signatures for trust worthiness and non-repudiation

  • Open end points to replace the bundled in encryption services with services of the adopters choice

5. Business led Database choice: Ability to make a business led choice of database to the registry

  • Support for multiple databases employing out-of-the-box adapters for multiple DB support - including graphs DBs(Neo4j), RDBMS(Postgres)

Last updated