Developer Setup


Terminal emulator

Linux and MacOS will have a terminal installed already. For Windows, it is recommended that you use git-bash, which you can install from here.

Type echo Hi in the terminal once it is installed. If installed correctly, you should see Hi appear when you hit enter.


Installation instructions for Git can be found here.

Run git --version in the terminal to check if git has been installed correctly:

$ git --version
git version 2.33.0


Installation instructions for Java 8 can be found here.

Run java in the terminal to check if java has been installed correctly:

$ java
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]

NodeJS (Only needed for the Registry CLI)

Installation instructions for NodeJS can be found here.

Run node -v in the terminal to check if node has been installed correctly:

$ node -v


Installation instructions for Docker can be found here.

Run docker -v in terminal to check if docker has been installed correctly:

$ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.9, build c2ea9bc90b

Docker Compose

Installation instructions can be found here.

Run docker-compose -v in terminal to check if docker-compose has been installed correctly:

$ docker-compose -v
Docker Compose version 2.0.1

Downloading The Source Code

Run the following in terminal to download the registry's source code:

$ git clone sunbird-rc/core

Move into the folder by typing:

$ cd sunbird-rc/core

Compiling The Registry

Run the script in the root of the repo as follows:

$ sh

Then compile the registry (this will take some time when you are running it for the first time):

$ cd java
$ ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
$ cd ..

This should create a JAR file in the java/registry/target folder.

Configuring Schemas

Create _schemas/ folder in java/registry/src/main/resources/public/

Place all your schema files in the java/registry/src/main/resources/public/_schemas/ folder.

A sample set of schemas for a simple student-teacher registry can be found here. You can learn how to write your own schemas by following this guide.

Configure And Start Dependent Services

Run the following in terminal to download this Docker Compose file:

$ curl > docker-compose.yml

To download a minimal keycloak configuration, run the following:

$ curl > imports/realm-export.json

Then start Keycloak (kc), Postgres (db), Elastic Search (es) and the Claims Service (cs) by running the following command:

$ docker-compose up kc db es cs

Configuring The Registry

Before we can start the registry, we need to regenerate and retrieve the client secret for the admin-api client in Keycloak. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Go to http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms.

  • Login using the username admin and password admin.

  • Click Sunbird RC.

  • Click Clients in the panel on the left.

  • Click admin-api.

  • Click the Credentials tab.

  • Under Client Secret, click Regenerate Secret. Copy the secret that you see in the box and paste it in the docker-compose.yml file in place of INSERT_SECRET_HERE on line 42.

Running The Registry

Once you have completed all the above steps, run the registry using the following command:

$ java -jar java/registry/target/registry.jar

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