Sunbird RC provides a functionality to transform the entity response body with different transformation templates
In SunbirdRC we can configure view templates (JSON transformers) which can be applied during runtime. It supports enabling/disabling properties in JSON responses. It also provides executing simple JEXL expressions and also supports creating custom provider functions.
Below is an example of a view template:
{"id":"personDefaultView1","subject":"Person","fields": [ {"name":"firstName","title":"NAME" }, {"name":"lastName","display":true }, {"name":"nationalIdentifier","title":"OS number","display":false,"$comment":"This field is not displayable, but needed for internal referencing" }, {"title":"Name in passport","function":"#/functionDefinitions/concat($lastName, $firstName)","$comment":"This is a virtual field not defined in the schema" }, {"title":"Name as in DL","function":"#/functionDefinitions/userDefinedConcat($firstName, $lastName)","$comment":"This is a virtual field not defined in the schema" } ],"functionDefinitions": [ {"name":"concat","result":"arg1 + \", \" + arg2","$comment":"arg1 and arg2 will be populated with parameter values at runtime" }, {"name":"userDefinedConcat","provider":"dev.sunbirdrc.provider.SampleViewFunctionProvider","$comment":"Complex operations that cannot be expressed easily in an in-line function definition can be implemented as a class. " } ]}
When the above template is applied for the below response payload:
{"Person": {"NAME":"Ram","lastName":"Moorthy","Name in passport":"Moorthy, Ram","Name as in DL":"Ram : Moorthy" }}
The view templates support configuring what fields should be displayed, changing the field names, and also performing functionalities on top of the fields.
In the above template, a field called firstName which is present in the entity is been renamed to NAME.
By default, all fields defined in the template are treated to be "display": true. If the fields are not supposed to be displayed then we can set "display": false
{"name":"nationalIdentifier","title":"OS number","display":false,"$comment":"This field is not displayable, but needed for internal referencing"}
We can also define expressions or custom functions to perform complex/custom transformations.
{"name":"concat","result":"arg1 + \", \" + arg2","$comment":"arg1 and arg2 will be populated with parameter values at runtime"},
In the above example, a custom JEXL expression to concatenate two fields is inline defined in the view template.
{"title":"Name in passport","function":"#/functionDefinitions/concat($lastName, $firstName)","$comment":"This is a virtual field not defined in the schema"},
The above code illustrates on how to call the inline-defined functions for a specific field.
We can also write Java code which can be used to perform custom/complex operations and also execute that in the view template.
{"name":"userDefinedConcat","provider":"dev.sunbirdrc.provider.SampleViewFunctionProvider","$comment":"Complex operations that cannot be expressed easily in an in-line function definition can be implemented as a class. "}
A custom provider function should implement IViewFunctionProvider
Similarly, SunbirdRC is shipped with another provider functions that can be used for transformation,
The above provider function will remove JSON paths from a nested object.
Example to demonstrate how to use the above function,
The view templates can be applied to both the GET APIs. We need to pass a viewTemplateId the header which contains the value of the view template file to be applied.